"The Moving Billboard"
Unit 1 T-Shirt Design
LEARNING GOAL: Each student will understand the specific nature of this particular style of marketing. They will understand the power in simplicity and the drawbacks to a non-static piece of advertising.
Each student must complete:
8 thumbnail ideas drawn
1 rough draft of his/her favorite idea
1 final rendering done in sharpie (no shading/”camera ready” silkscreen stencil)
The T-Shirt Design must include the following text:
The title: ____________________________
The author: __________________________
The Design must also include:
1 or more thematic image(s) that helps tells the story of the play. The images/symbols that the designer chooses must reflect the intentions of the playwright and must be the best imagery to sell the show to perspective patrons.
NOTE: All T-shirt Designs should be created with the intention of being printed on the front of a standard t-shirt. The entire design should fit on the front chest area of the shirt.
The T-shirt that is selected by the cast and crew of the Mainstage show will be printed for use as a production marketing tool and the designer who is responsible for the design will get a FREE T-shirt with their design.
Some Previous Shirt Designs...
"Gotta Get'em to Stop and Smell the Roses!"
Unit 2 Poster design
(100 pts)
LEARNING GOAL: Each student will understand the specific nature of this particular style of marketing. They will understand the power and additional options one has in creating a marketing tool in a digital format, and the drawbacks to static advertising.
Each student must complete the following:
The final design must include the following text
(in this order):
Producer: WGHS Drama Department
Title: __________________________________
Author/Composer: ____________________________
Dates: _____________________________________
Time: _____________________________________
Place: _________________________________
Tickets are $7.00 for students and $10.00 for adults
$1.00 off each ticket with a can of food for Food Outreach St Louis
Publisher: “Produced in special arrangement with ____________”
Contain 1 or more thematic image(s) that helps tells the story of the play. The images/symbols that the designer chooses must reflect the intentions of the playwright and must be the best imagery to sell the show to perspective patrons.
Incorporate some sort of framing device. (The design must have a border.)
NOTE: All Poster Designs should be created with the intention of being printed on paper to be hung around the school.
The T-shirt that is selected by the cast and crew of the Mainstage show will be printed for use as a production marketing tool and the designer who is responsible for the design will get a FREE T-shirt with their design.
Some Previous Poster Designs... can be seen on the individual show pages and you can visit all of them at: http://wgdramapastshows.blogspot.com/

2013 Black History Month Play
A Raisin in the Sun designed by Mr.Schaefer
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